What to Eat & Drink in Trinidad and Tobago
At the top end, Caribbean dining stands toe to toe with anything on offer in major North American or European cities, not least because a trail of renowned chefs have made their way to the Caribbean to take charge of restaurants in the luxury resorts. The real joy, however, is discovering those unannounced roadside stalls and beach bars where the food combines with the surroundings to deliver the perfect experience.
Dine like a local
East Indian-influenced roti, stuffed with spicy meat and potatoes, keep Trinidadians full throughout the day, while the deep fried Shark n Bake sandwich from Maracas Bay is one for the weekend at the beach. Fruity Carib beer, usually served with a wedge of lime, is the island’s gift to the Caribbean.
Where to go
Trinidad’s curious multicultural blend translates into an unbeatable variety of dining. Head to Penal in the south of the island for the best in East Indian food, or Port of Spain’s Ariapita Avenue to find the gourmet restaurants. On Tobago, don’t miss Sunday School for a weekly festival of barbecue, Carib beer and loud music.